
Birte Raes

R&D Engineer at Aquafin

As a chemical engineer, Birte Raes has dedicated her career to sustainability. Her role as R&D engineer has provided pivotal value to Aquafin, the Flemish wastewater company, working on both local and European projects that are crucial in the development of wastewater strategy.


“Research is not a solitary journey. You go out, listen to each other and make the best of it together.” This is what R&D engineer Birte Raes believes, and she has put this into practice across her career. With a dedication to sustainability and environmental protection, Birte has spent the past 5 years at AquaFin, the Flemish company transforming the way wastewater is used. Her deep understanding of the motivations of stakeholders has provided necessary nuance as she has propelled the research in both local and European projects.

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