Our mission
Bringing the creators of tomorrow together.
To inspire them through unique experiences. Full of music, culture, and celebration. And empower them with an abundance of innovative ideas and imaginary visions, breakthrough technology, purpose driven business models and smart hands-on tools.
We are Love Tomorrow
An independent initiative to make a positive impact.
Created in the spirit of Tomorrowland’s People of Tomorrow who live today, love tomorrow, and unite forever.
We believe in bringing together the people who want to make this world a sustainable place.
To unite and join forces, because the wisdom of this crowd contains an equaled source of knowledge, skills and energy to generate an unstoppable positive power for change.
We love to connect these people of tomorrow
People of different generations, with different backgrounds and perspectives. To inspire them through unique experiences. Full of music, culture and art. And empower them with an abundance of innovative ideas and imaginary visions, breakthrough technology, purpose driven business models and smart hands-on tools.
Full of music, culture and art
Our impact
Yes, we are in it to change it. With respect to mankind and our planet.
Close to home at Tomorrowland, our sustainability program extends far beyond just reducing our impact on Co2, waste, and water, while increasing our footprint on happiness and well-being. And further afield, we’re sharing our best practices to create a positive global impact.