
Joining forces with Climatecamp

A dedication to our planet is in Tomorrowland’s DNA, and sustainability is at the forefront of plans for the future of the festival.

Mapping the CO2 footprint of Tomorrowland is a priority, as it is a clear indication of things that are succeeding, as well as areas that can be improved. The overall organisation, WeAreOneWorld, will be part of this venture as the bigger picture will be reviewed, however there will be an initial focus on where the most impact can be made: Tomorrowland. Various measures have already been actioned to take steps towards a greener footprint: the fixed power network that will revolutionise the way Tomorrowland is powered, streamlining the global journey and ensuring transport is powered in the greenest way and changing the way recycling and food waste is done on the grounds, to name a few successful ventures. These methods have all effectively reduced the CO2 emissions of the festival and will continue to make a significant impact as they are refined and expanded over the coming years.

On this journey, collaborating with other platforms and companies that share the vision is key. Take the projects facilitated through a partnership with Claire, for example, that have made a significant impact in the local community. However, the largest percent of emissions in the event and festival space comes from Scope 3 emissions, which are ‘the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the reporting organisation’: essentially, real change can be achieved through full transparency between the festival and suppliers. That’s why the next step in the journey is the partnership with Climatecamp, a sustainability platform that connects businesses with suppliers to encourage transparency on emissions, targets and reductions. This allows insights into the sustainability efforts of companies, enabling informed decision making in reducing the environmental footprint for both companies and their suppliers. Climatecamp allows a seamless process – if a supplier is not yet part of the platform, they will work together to onboard them. The end result is a seamless universal map that simplifies Scope 3 emissions management, allowing a universal map of suppliers to illustrate their products and services and how they contribute to the festival’s carbon emissions.

This process has already been put in place with some suppliers that Tomorrowland works with, but looking forward, this will be scaled even further in 2024, allowing a clear overview of Scope 3 emissions for the festival. The journey of sustainability is an ongoing process, but one that we remain dedicated to: whilst ambitious, our greener goals are at the forefront of what we do and will continue to be a priority.

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