Holy Grounds

The Love Tomorrow Recycle Backpack Initiative

Love Tomorrow’s backpack Initiative: Transforming waste at Tomorrowland. Discover how this backpack turns recycling into a seamless, fun and eco-friendly experience.

The Love Tomorrow Recycle Backpack Initiative

In our quest to leave a positive footprint on Tomorrowland, we’ve taken a unique spin on recycling with our Recycle Backpacks. Born out of our passion for our planet and the magic of Tomorrowland, we’ve brought together imagination, sustainability, and a hint of festival vibes to create a cleaner and greener event.

We all love a good party, but there’s something even more rewarding about partying responsibly. At Tomorrowland, we’ve turned waste into a part of our festival story, transforming it from something ugly and unusable into a symbol of our commitment to our planet and the joy of our festival.

The Recycle Backpacks, fully in tune with the theme of the festival, serve not only as practical receptacles for empty cups and cans but also as walking reminders for all festival-goers to be mindful about their waste. Imagine dancing to the beats of your favourite DJ and when you finish your drink, you just toss it into a backpack moving with the crowd. It’s as simple as that!

The Love Tomorrow Recycle Backpack Initiative

Our Mission
We all love a good party, but there’s something even more rewarding about partying responsibly. At Tomorrowland, we’ve turned waste into a part of our festival story, transforming it from something ugly and unusable into a symbol of our commitment to our planet and the joy of our festival.

Our Approach
We’ve deployed more then 70 volunteers, equipped with Recycle Backpacks, to walk through the crowds, collecting empty cups, cans and other waste on the go. Each backpack, intricately designed in line with the festival’s theme, serves as a vibrant, moving bin and a statement of sustainability.

The Outcome
We have drastically reduced the amount of litter on the festival grounds. But more than that, we’ve started a conversation about waste, responsibility, and how every one of us can play our part in making our world a cleaner, greener place.

As we say at Tomorrowland, it’s not just about the music and the magic, it’s about leaving a legacy of love for our tomorrow. Join us in our journey towards a sustainable festival future where we not only create incredible memories but also protect and cherish the environment that makes them possible.

For more about this initiative, check out this article.

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