What can you do at the Love Tomorrow Conference?

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What can you do at the Love Tomorrow Conference?

Why do we do what we do? Think about it. It’s all about purpose.

The Love Tomorrow Conference is all about surrounding you in purpose, in the form of music, art, fashion, experiences and intellectual journeys. If you’re coming to the Love Tomorrow Conference on 27 July 2023, you’re not just attending an ordinary conference. You’re manifesting the sustainable dreams we share and exploring our many options for the future. It truly is a unique experience.

This is what you can expect:

Inspiring talks

More than 30 speakers are eager to share their vision with you. Last year, we were sold out and a bit cramped for space, so we came up with a logical solution: in 2023, we’ll be using over half of the Tomorrowland festival site instead of only the Freedom Stage. Our speakers will be using five stages to talk about topics in the 12 themes of Love Tomorrow.

Do you want to find out when and where Rutger Bregman, Jason Silva or Barbara Belvisi are sharing their wisdom? Check out our schedule.

What can you do at the Love Tomorrow Conference?

Sustainable fashion

Remember we just told you we divided the speakers into 12 themes? That’s actually not entirely true; the speakers will only tackle 11 themes. The twelfth theme is Fashion Renaissance, which will be an exhibition, rather than a talk. What’s the point of talking about beauty? Let’s show it instead.
The fashion industry is at a crossroads. Reinventing itself is no longer a matter of creativity, but a matter of necessity. Let’s discover how fashion can become a leading force in sustainability, while still staying true to itself.


We don’t want to spoil too many details on the art at the Love Tomorrow Conference. What we can reveal is that it will be presented by John Palmesino, a world-famous architect and co-founder of the Territorial Agency.

What can you do at the Love Tomorrow Conference?

Job fair with VDAB

You won’t believe the fun you can have during a job interview. The Love Tomorrow Ferris Wheel will show you that sky is not the limit for your professional goals. At our ‘Job Fair with VDAB‘ you can embark on a ride on the ferris wheel and meet employers who are as passionate about change as you are. Want to work at loop earplugs, River Cleanup, Tomorrowland, BMW, Hybrid, VITO, vrt or any of the 25 companies we have selected? This is your chance.

Partner activations

Innovation is the motor of change. The corporate perspective on sustainability is indispensable. At the Love Tomorrow Conference, a selection of partners will get the opportunity to share their take in the form of activations. They’re eager to interact with you, so don’t hesitate. Go and engage with Aquafin, VITO4Starters, In4care Health Arena, Startit Area, KBC Elevator Pitch and much more.

What can you do at the Love Tomorrow Conference?


Do you have a great business idea with a positive impact? VITO wants to hear it, and so do we. The Love Tomorrow Conference is the best stage to share it with the world. Cleantech entrepreneurs and start-ups with a project committed to sustainability: VITO is your partner to develop those ideas.
In 2022 the Belgian start-up MyGrid won the VITO4Starters Award (and € 20.000) after successfully pitching to Bart Swaelens (VITO), Jim Nkomo (startit@KBC) and Ann Van Mele (imec.istart). We’re looking forward who will clench the award this year. It’s too late to register your start-up for the VITO4Starters Award 2023, but not too late to witness the pitches and learn.

Evening show

After an inspiring afternoon of intellectual haute-cuisine, the evening show will be the icing on the cake. Hosts Karine Claassen and Lucas De Man present huge international speakers. Thomas Ermacora will be delivering the opening keynote, followed by Barbara Belvisi’s out-of-this-world The Space Odyssey. Emma Posman & Jasna Rok are presenting Opera on Brainwaves, a unique experience mixing technology with human emotions. Zach Bush MD will invite you on a Sound Bath meditation, followed by The Microverse Dance Spectacle by director Louie Schwartzberg. Digital superstar Jason Silva is the last intellectual contribution of the day, talking about To Be Human and Beyond.
The cherry on the icing on the cake, will be the closing party with DJ Ida Engberg and DJ Joris Voorn.

What can you do at the Love Tomorrow Conference?
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